Hiya! After blogging for a while, you get to know the tips and tricks for increasing traffic. But what I did not know until quite a while in was to how to use twitter to promote your blog. It seems pretty obvious once you know but it can take time to see results. Here are 9 awesome ways to convert your Twitter account into a traffic generating machine.
*Disclaimer, this post contains affiliate links.
Start with making a Twitter For Your Blog As Soon As Possible
Now, this may seem like something really silly to say, but it surprising how many bloggers do not do this. In all honesty, I started Twitter 2 years into having my blog. It is so easy to get carried away with creating content that sharing the end result can be easily forgotten. Trust me it is easier to start out with one.
When I first made a Twitter account for my blog, I was so hesitant. It starts running in your mind – what happens if people I know find this? But you know what? Most are supportive – usually, the people you know won’t be the direct target audience so cannot slate the content in any way. My friends for example know I have a blog, and follow on Twitter, but do not really get involved. You could say they are silent supporters. The point – do not worry about what people might think, being a blogger is something to be proud of, promote it wherever you can!
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Link Your Twitter Account and Blog
You want it to be easy for readers to move interchangeably from your Twitter and Blog right? Then make it easy to do so. Start with adding widgets and share buttons on your sidebar and bottom of your posts. If you are ever wondering how to use Twitter to promote your blog, start with allowing readers to do the sharing for you. Having your Twitter account visible to your readers shows that you truly want to engage with them – so make it easy for everyone. On Twitter, add your site link (or your latest post) to your profile to instantly let others know that 1. you are a content creator and 2. you have content worth reading.

Build Your Following
Just like anything, you need to create a following before you can successfully promote your blog on Twitter. Otherwise, who are you sharing the post to? Follow similar accounts to yourself – and especially accounts with content you are interested in and a good follow back ratio. Otherwise, you will find you follow a set of accounts that never engage with your content. Don’t worry about how many accounts you follow for the minute – the priority is getting yourself out there. Just don’t be spammy – Twitter doesn’t like that.
Increase Your Engagement
At this point you may still be wondering how to use twitter to promote your blog? Twitter is the perfect place to increase your engagement.Find keywords that are relevant and will get you traffic. Get some search inspiration from Keysearch – I have gained 11 ranking keywords on my blog in a month from using this – which could can also utilise on Twitter to share answers.
Use hashtags and RT accounts to increase the reach of your content. RT accounts are users that have the sole aim of sharing your content when you either use their hashtag / or link to their account in your tweet. Here are the hashtags I use:
#bbloggers #BloggerBabesRT #theclqrt #Bloggerstribe #BloggersHutRT @BBlogRT @LovingBlogs #writerslift #BloggerLoveShare @BloggingBabesRT #writingcommunity
And the Accounts I Mention:
@BloggersHut , @LaurenyLoves , @TRJForBloggers , @theclique_uk , @_kayleighzara , @cosyblogclub
Top Tip!
Consider using RT accounts from your local area, this way you can engage with bloggers who may be similar to you – worth a try. Another bonus – use and abuse the idea that they live in the same time zone, your engagement times will be similar!
Engagement Groups
This is an awesome way to build a friendship with other bloggers. Engagement groups are based around the concept of having a “safe haven” to share you new content which others will guaranteed respond to, in the hopes you do the same for them. This allows you to get some form of reaction to your content, which is a great feeling and helps with increasing your blog traffic. The best way to find engagement groups is to ask / or if you are a little more daring, create one yourself.
Schedule Tweets
To get more traffic on your blog – you need to post consistently on Twitter. 13 year old me always thought that meant sitting on Twitter for 14 hours a day tweeting everyday I have an idea. That however, as you can imagine, is highly unproductive. To get the most of your Twitter account, have a look at your analytics and truly find out when the best time to post. When are your users online and active? This will give you the best chance at increasing your reach. I use Hootsuite, but honestly, there are so many options available to choose from, so find one that is right for you.
To increase traffic over to your Twitter account you can always promote the content of others using your own comment threads. Here is the sort of thing I am on about:
“Thursday Comment Swap! Share your latest post
Comment on other posts
Like and RT this post
Appreciate all content creators!
Check out my latest! /how-to-relax-after-a-long-day-rest-your-mind/
#BloggersHutRT #theclqrt #bloggerstribe“
I usually get around 30-50 responses on each Tweet – as you can imagine it is therefore a valuable way to promote your blog on Twitter. I tend to comment on around 5-10 comment threads everyday (on top of the RT accounts) to increase my reach.
Another way to get your content out there is by using the plugins available on your blog. I use “Revive Old Posts” which aims to boost the traffic of your older content by sharing it at regular intervals (of your choice) on Twitter. Without having to do a single thing, one of your posts can be shared to your readers, potentially increasing your traffic.
In my first ever e-book, I share the best scheduling tactics and how I gain 300 Twitter followers a month by doing absolutely nothing! Check it out here!
Market Research
This is something I did not notice or appreciate early on in my blogging journey, but it makes perfect sense. If you have a group of bloggers you can rely on in your circle, ask them if you need help. This way, you can really find out what will be beneficial for your blog. This is not a super quick way to get traffic, but it can help to improve your blog, which by proxy can help traffic.
And there we have it! What are your favourite ways to utilise Twitter for your blog?
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Now, if you are ready to start putting the work in and make a passive income on blogging – find out where to start with Kayleigh’s Beginners Guide To Affiliate Sales. Affiliate Marketing is a great place to start and something I knew about sooner – this guide has helped massively!