Making the Most of Your Layover | Guest Post from tuesdayinbucharest

As someone who has travelled a lot on business I have seen an awful lot of airports, which means I have drunk a lot of Starbucks coffee, sat in many soulless, generic bars, and browsed through many keyrings, hoodies and snowglobes bearing the name of whatever city the airport serves. I never even saw many of these cities, their names being mere stop-offs on the way to somewhere else – Dubai en route to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur en route to Australia… A few years ago I decided something needed to change – it seemed such a waste to technically be in a new place and not see it. So, rather than going for the shortest layover, if my schedule permits I now tend to choose the longest, and am quickly becoming an expert in seeing as much of a place as possible in a limited timeframe. Here are my tips:

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