Hey! With the lethal combination of work and school, my mind can sometimes become overwhelmed with impending deadlines. Ultimately, it is like a science experiment to find out the winning recipe to tension relief, but here I offer a few suggestions which aim to help. Here are the top 5 things I do to calm down:
A Bath
You either love them or hate them. There’s something about them – the calming of muscles for example, that helps the mind to rest a little. Max out the bubbles or grab a bath bomb, stick on some tunes or brave a book (careful of water damage) and just escape a little.
Grab an Early Night
Sleep aids stress relief, that itself is common knowledge. The hard part, making it happen. Find out what helps you drift off – it could be holistic medicine, lavender, sleep sprays, reading, podcasts, self-time – the list goes on. Reduce your exposure to blue light and bright screens. The most important thing, do not force yourself to sleep – do not clock watch either, it is the losing recipe to staying calm.
Doing Something I Love
To distract myself from whatever’s stressing me out, I would do something I love. This could include binge-watching YouTube videos, watching a football match or just blogging. Even thinking about this stuff makes me happy, which is exactly why it’s made it onto this post.
Planning and Organising
Preventing stress is a good way to stay happy, and that’s why I over plan things to stop getting overwhelmed. Time management is the key is compartmentalizing the deadline process and making the whole thing easier. If everything can be rationalised and done within good time, the chances of staying calm are increased. With this method, should any mishaps happen, there is time to recover.
Revisiting Nostalgia
Stress worthy times always cause a reminiscing period where life was easy. As a late 90’s girl, the 2000s were my prime decade. Most of my happiest memories were as a child, which is why I love watching Disney / Pixar movies from the last 16 years. For some reason, they make me all warm and fuzzy inside and make me forget about all my worries; like there is not a care in the world.
What methods do you use to keep calm?