Struggling With Writers Block? These Tips Can Help!

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Writers block can happen even to the best of people. When expected to produce the same level of quality posts everyday, week and month it can be very difficult to come up with innovative ideas. There are certain methods I use to help with this, which I thought to share with you today.

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Have A Break!

At the end of the day, no – one is expecting you to post every single day, unless you have previously stated (Blogmas for example). Therefore, now and again, take some time out just to relax. You will surely find that when you come back, you will feel refreshed, and your writing will be better.

Try Something Completely Different

Popping out the same posts time and time again can become strenuous and boring for you, the writer. That’s why to avoid writers block its always good to try something completely different, out of the comfort zone. It could open up a whole new demographic, or find you your new favourite subject.

Open Up To A New Target Audience

As I was saying in my previous point, opening up a new target audience could open up a whole can of worms on your blog (in a good way of course). A film review on a beauty blog for example could welcome a load of film buffs – win / win situation.

Look At Other Blogs For Inspiration

The blogging community is like a family – don’t be afraid to turn to them in times of desperation. Usually, a blog is a culmination of the writers favourite blogs, so turn to the people who inspire your site – and see what they have posted. This is one of my favourite methods when I lack creativity. Pinterest is also a great place to look for ideas.

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pinterest writers block

My favourite Pinterest e-book is Pinterest With Ell – within 2 months she was seeing 1,000 views a day from Pinterest. I am not as good but using her strategies I have gained 1,000 impressions in 2 weeks from a starting point of zero. No doubt will this increase as I get more experienced, and I have Ell to thank for that!

Ask Your Readers What They Want

There is nothing wrong engaging with your readers. This is a simple way of finding out exactly what they want from you. Just asking the question at the end of a post, using social media, or even creating a Twitter poll with post suggestions can seriously help you.

Jump On The Bandwagon And Follow Trends

If lots of blogs are posting something particularly trendy, there is no harm jumping on the bandwagon and joining them. A trend only becomes big if people are reading it, so its almost guaranteed page views. I would just add that this is not a method to use all too often, because then your blog will lack individuality – but it is a good idea from time to time, especially during writers block.

Do Not Post For The Sake Of Posting

If you do not have any good ideas about what to post – don’t post anything. Chances are, when you’re working with scraps the outcome won’t be exactly what you want. But do not worry, this happens, and it won’t be long until you’re full of ideas!

Ask Other Bloggers For Feedback

Usually its those that know you best that know what you need. Ask other people in the industry what they think you need, as it is them that can see gaps and missing parts. Its never a sign of failure to do this, but making the most of resources. It could help with building super strong relationships too.

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Re-publish A Post With A Revised Version

Some bloggers will love this, others will hate it. In my opinion, I find it a great idea because opinions do change over time. For example, if you do a tag (e.g. 50 facts about me / makeup tag), you could update it a year later. It could also bring out some loyal readers who remember the original – and tags are very popular.

Find keywords that are relevant and will get you traffic. Get some search inspiration from Keysearch – I have gained 11 ranking keywords (by updating old posts) in a month from using this.

Have Faith That Ideas Will Come Back

Just because you don’t know about what to post, it does not mean its the end of your blog, because it isn’t. It happens to the best of people! Just give it time, follow my steps and you’ll be in spick and span condition in no time!

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