6 Years of Amateur Blogging – What Was My 2020 Blogging Income?

I started this blog in 2015 as a new years resolution – and I am just as surprised that this has carried on. I cannot believe it has been a whole 6 years! This blog has survived through GCSE’s, A-Levels, Degree and now a full-time job. Before sharing my stats, I do want to disclose that my blogging income is based on part-time blogging (it is not my job), and the fact that I only started focusing on professionalising in August. In addition to this, we all know how tough 2020 has been, especially with outreach companies, so I have taken an expected hit in terms of profits made. So let’s get into it!

*At no point am I trying to brag or put down others, undeniably with blogging – hard work equals to the majority of the reward. My sole focus is not to make money, it is to push myself at creating content my readers will love*

Social Media

Twitter as of Jan 1 2020: 5,378 followers

Twitter as of Jan 1 2021: 6,365 followers

Instagram as of Jan 1 2020: c. 2,600 followers

Instagram as of Jan 1 2021: 4,388 followers

Pinterest as of Jan 1 2020: Started in November so will carry this over

Pinterest as of Jan 1 2021: 169 followers / 8.3k Monthly Viewers

Email Subscribers: Started in December 2020 – 113 Subscribers so far

sophiapatel.co.uk blogging income

Blogging Stats

End of 2019

Views: 5,350

Visitors: 3,699

Likes: 36 (Did not get transferred when moving to self-hosted)

Comments: 34 (Did not get transferred when moving to self-hosted)

End of 2020

Views: 11,476

Visitors: 8,394

Check Out!  Blog Traffic Issues? Here’s 9+ Ways How To Use Twitter To Promote Your Blog!

Likes: 355

Comments: 204

sophiapatel.co.uk blogging stats

Most Popular Post

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Blogging Income For 2020

Total Income:


Gifted Items Value:


Next Year’s Targets

Every year I usually set targets to follow and obey, but this year has gone so well, I guess the key is to keep doing what I am doing. Yes, my blogging income is not as high as I would have liked, but 2020 has been a tough year and I did take 4 months out. Considering I have only been putting in the hours for 5 months, it is beyond paying off. The hardest challenge – cleaning up 5 years of non SEO’d posts! Hopefully, with this sorted, a consistent blogging income will come. Here’s to another year!

sophiapatel.co.uk blogging income

I have also released my first e-book – I would appreciate it if you checked it out! It is all about blogging burnout, and how to achieve more by doing less! Check it out!